Thursday, July 15, 2004

washed in the blood

The painting was inspired by a photo of a mosaic or stained glass that I saw in an old architecture magazine from the mid 60s. I found it in my art class. I started with a previously painted canvas, a small color study, some squares over which I suprimposed the image of Christ, crucified. I may have added the gold spikes and lance in His side. The painting says a lot. We are washed by His blood which was spilled for our transgressions. What transgressions you may ask? The world's and each individual. Even me. But as for you, only you can answer that question. God alone can convince a person of their spiritual condition. The cross of Christ is confusing until we see the love that was poured out, through that broken body. It's all too much at times, I know. Why would God do this? We, like children, don't always understand the why, but when we begin to realize that He comes looking for us, we feel a little bit of that concern, as a parent has for a child. It's a love that difficult to know. But it is an awsome thing when we realize that we have been found by Him.


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